
The mediation process between Plaintiff, Hussain Muhammad Naser, an Iraqi citizen, and Defendant Australian Broadcasting Corporation – ABC Australia at the Central Jakarta District Court on Wednesday (14/6/2023) resulted in no decision. The Central Jakarta District Court failed to mediate between the two disputing parties due to the absence of ABC Australia and it was the 2nd absence since the first mediation session on (6/6/2023) at the Central Jakarta District Court.

Formerly, the Chief Justice – Suparman has given time and opportunity to both parties to take part in the mediation process and the District Court facilitated with a team of mediators. At that time Chief Justice Suparman required both parties to attend the mediation process.

However, when the 2nd mediation took place, ABC Australia as the defendant did not attend. The absence of the defendant caused mediation attempted by the Central Jakarta District Court gone failed and the trial should go forth to the next stage.

After the mediation session at the Central Jakarta District Court (14/6/2023), Hussain Almslmawi as the plaintiff has been inquired regards to his lawsuit against ABC Australia and the real story behind this case. He responded that before the trial began he could not tell the details of the case.

“But you are welcome to attend the trial so that you can be eye- witness to know the facts because everything will be publicly opened and nothing will be hidden,” Hussain said.

He also added that the lawsuit was against an Australian company. “I hope there is no bias or influence (for Indonesia) in my case. And I still have faith and trust in the justice system in Indonesia,” Hussain concluded. (Randy)

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